On Thursday, September 14th, the network in Nutt 2nd floor will be down for maintenance between 4:00 and 5:00 am with only an anticipated outage of a couple of minutes during the time frame. During this time, network access, Internet, and wireless may be unavailable. This is to do maintenance to attempt to resolve some issues […]
Scheduled Maintenance for Residence Network and Wireless Networks
There will be a planned network maintenance for the ATU Residence Network and Wireless Networks on Sunday, August 6th, starting at 2 p.m. and lasting until 10 p.m. During this time, network services in the residence halls, including Internet and Wireless may be intermittent or inaccessible. Connectivity to the ATU-Wireless and Tech-Guest wireless networks may […]
Scheduled Network Maintenance for Doc Bryan Complete
The scheduled network maintenance for Doc Bryan has been completed. If you have issues, please contact Campus Support at 479.968.0646 or campussupport@atu.edu.
Scheduled Network Maintenance for Williamson Hall
There will be a scheduled maintenance for the Williamson Hall network on Friday, July 14th starting at 5:15pm and lasting until 6:15pm. During this time network connectivity in the building will be intermittently unavailable. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the Campus Support Center atcampussupport@atu.edu or visit our support portal athttps://support.atu.edu. Thank you, […]
Blackboard and OneTech Service Restored
The issue affecting Blackboard and OneTech access has been resolved. If you are continuing to experience issues, please contact Campus support at 479-968-0646.