Enterprise Services is upgrading the remote application delivery platform (RemoteApps) that offers select software packages not commonly available in labs. This upgrade offers better graphics performance, provides more resources to the applications, and makes the application available on Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android devices though the VMware Horizon Application or through a web browser such as Google Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer.
The RemoteApps website will change on Monday, January 15, to point to the new delivery platform https://vdesktops.atu.edu (formerly https://remoteapps.atu.edu)
For more detailed instructions, see the following knowledgebase articles:
VMware Horizon Remote Applications Web Access – https://support.atu.edu/ics/support/kbanswer.asp?deptID=16101&task=knowledge&questionID=1369
VMware Horizon Remote Applications for Windows – https://support.atu.edu/ics/support/kbanswer.asp?deptID=16101&task=knowledge&questionID=1368
VMware Horizon Remote Applications for Mac – https://support.atu.edu/ics/support/default.asp?deptID=16101&task=knowledge&questionID=1370
If you have any questions, please contact the Campus Support Center at campussupport@atu.edu or 479.968.0646.