There will be upcoming wireless maintenance period for the university on Wednesday, December 18th, starting at 1:00 p.m. and lasting until 5:00 p.m. During this time, wireless connectivity may be intermittent as changes are made to the system. This maintenance will allow the Office of Information Systems to rollout the upgraded Device Registration Portal and the associated wireless security changes for the HomeDevices Wi-Fi networks.
Devices previously registered to connect to ATU-HomeDevices, ATU-HomeDevices-5g, or the wired ports in the residence halls will need to be re-registered on the new portal. Those who have already registered devices on the old portal will receive an email with a list of your currently registered devices and their MAC addresses to make it easier to re-register them.
After the maintenance is complete, devices connecting to ATU-HomeDevices or ATU-HomeDevices-5g will require a personal Wi-Fi password, which must be generated once before registering devices on the new Device Registration Portal at
Instructions on how to register your devices on the upgraded portal can be found here under the “ATU-HomeDevices and ATU-HomeDevices-5g” section here:
The wireless networks are not expected to be unavailable for long periods during the maintenance time, however, the entire window is reserved.