Due to electrical issues, there was a brief network and wireless outage in Dean Hall 2nd floor. The electrical issue has been reported, and Network Services has implemented a temporary bypass to restore services for now. Additional outages may occur until the issue is resolved, but the situation is being monitored, and we will provide […]
Scheduled Production Banner Maintenance Body: The production Banner system will be unavailable for maintenance on the following date and time: Sunday, September 24th, from 12 a.m. until 6:00 a.m.
During this time, Banner applications such as Application Navigator, Self-Service (including Web Time Entry), some OneTech cards, Argos, AdviseMe, EPS, Online Application, AMS, and some information in the ATUNow mobile app will be unavailable. If you have any issues you can contact Campus Support atcampussupport@atu.eduor call our office at 479-968-0646.
Scheduled Network Infrastructure Maintenance
With the persistence of a widespread student profile issue that causes computers to freeze up and become inaccessible, we will be conducting infrastructure maintenance Friday September 22nd at 6:30PM. Our goal is to fix whatever underlying issue is causing problems, but future maintenance may be needed if our changes do not have the desired effects […]
Scheduled Production Banner Maintenance
The production Banner system will be unavailable for maintenance on the following dates and times: Thursday, September 21st, starting at 1 a.m. and lasting approximately one hour. During this time, the Banner Self-Service applications will be intermittently unavailable. Friday, September 22nd, from 11 p.m. until September 23rd at 3 a.m. During this time, Banner Admin […]
Power Interruption on the Ozark Campus
There is a power service interruption affecting the Ozark campus. This affects all the services on campus as well as those remote workers trying to connect in. We will post another announcement once the service is restored. Please contact the Campus Support Center at 479-968-0646 or campussupport@atu.edu with any questions or concerns.