ATU users are receiving a spam/phishing email from an internal email address regarding Microsoft Account Authentication. If you have received an email from this account, please delete it. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Campus Support at
Turnitin Issue Resolved
We’ve fixed it! Due to an unexpected service incident, users of Turnitin, Turnitin UK, and iThenticate V1 may have experienced intermittent slowness when accessing the service. This resulted in errors when logging in, submitting, and accessing reports. Users accessing the service via an integration may also have been affected. We are pleased to advise that […]
Turnitin Issues
Turnitin, Turnitin UK, and iThenticate V1 are currently experiencing an unexpected service incident. Users accessing the service via an integration may also be affected. During this time you may experience intermittent slowness when accessing the service resulting in errors including when logging in, submitting and accessing reports. We invite you to track the progress of […]
Tucker Network Issues Resolved
The network issues in Tucker earlier today after the power flicker have been resolved. If you are still having an issue, please contact Campus Support at
Tucker Hall Network Service Interruption
We are currently experiencing a network service interruption in Tucker Hall after the power flicker this morning. Our network team is aware of the issue and is working to restore it.