The power has been restored on the Ozark Campus. Please call the Campus Support Center at479-968-0646 with any outstanding problems you might have.
Partial Ozark power outage
There is a partial power outage on the Ozark campus that appears to be affecting a couple of buildings on that campus. The West Annex and Allied Health buildings are affected by this. There is no current ETA on the resolution. We will post a follow up announcement when we receive more information.
July 2016 OIS Newsletter Available
The July 2016 edition of the OIS Newsletter is now available at
Partial Network Outage in McEver
There will be a network outage in part of the West side of McEver starting at 12:00 pm and lasting until 1:00 pm. This outage will be to replace hardware to help resolve connectivity issues in that part of the building.
Partial McEver Network Outage
There will be a short outage for part of McEver Hall this morning, starting at 8:45 a.m. and lasting until 9 a.m. During this time, offices and classrooms on the East side of the old McEver hallway will lose network and Internet access. This outage will be to help resolve some ongoing connectivity issues.