There currently is an outage to the credit card machines in Baswell Techionery (BasTech). We’re aware of the issue and the company for the credit card machines have listed no time frame for when the issue will be resolved. Cash payments will still be taken at this time. We will let you know when this […]
Upcoming Planned Network Maintenance for the Ozark Campus
There will be an upcoming network maintenance for the Ozark data center on Thursday, September 22nd, starting at 8:00 pm and lasting until 11:00 pm. During this time, some VoIP phones on both campuses may briefly lose connection/re-register, and certain Ozark services may be unavailable such as Internet connectivity, the Ozark file shares (S, T, […]
AT&T Cell Service Outage
AT&T is having some cell tower issues in the area. There isn’t a timetable on when this issue will be resolved. We will post something once we have more information or when the issue is resolved.
Upcoming Maintenance for the Unified Communications System (VoIP)
There will be an upcoming maintenance for the ATU Unified Communications System (VoIP) on Friday, September 2nd, starting at 8:00 pm and lasting until 10:00 pm. During this time, there may be a service interruption on the voicemail system and the university’s directory number. This maintenance will allow Network Services to attempt to resolve an […]
Upcoming University-Wide Network Maintenance
There will be an upcoming university-wide maintenance for the ATU network on Friday, September 2nd, starting at 5:15 pm and lasting until 8:00 pm. During this time, there may be a loss of network connectivity for periods in the following locations: Russellville Academic Buildings Russellville Residential Halls Russellville Parking Lot Wifi and Greenspace Wifi Ozark […]