Our Wi-Fi service interruption has been resolved. This issue was due to a hardware failure with our wireless controllers. If you are still having an issue, please contact Campus Support at 479.968.0646 or campussupport@atu.edu.
Wi-Fi Service Interruption
We are currently experiencing a Wi-Fi service interruption in the academic buildings and some of the residence halls. We are aware of this issue and are investigating.
Turnitin Issues Resolved
The Turnitin issues we were experiencing over the weekend have been resolved.
Turnitin Service Interruption
The Campus Support Center received some reports of students and instructors having trouble with Turnitin assignments. Students try to submit assignments and are given an error. We are aware of this issue, and are working with our vendor to get this resolved as soon as possible. Please contact the Campus Support Center at 479-968-0646, or […]
Upcoming University VPN Maintenance
There will be an upcoming maintenance for the university VPN connectivity on Monday, September 2nd, starting at 5:00 pm and lasting until 8:00 pm. During this time, the Globalprotect VPN connectivity to campus may be unavailable for students, faculty, and staff. This network maintenance window will allow the Office of Information Systems to work on […]