The issues we were experiencing with Banner and its applications has been resolved. We are still working with Ellucian to identify and correct any underlying issues. If you are still having an issue, please contact Campus Support at
Banner Performance Issues
We are receiving performance issue reports for applications, including Onetech, Argos, Degree Works, and Application Navigator. Our admin teams have reached out to Ellucian support and are investigating the issue. We will post another announcement when we have more information.
OIS End of Semester Technology Survey
Survey feedback allows us to become aware of problems we might not know about, prioritize the ATU community’s needs, and better the communication between OIS and students, faculty, and staff. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Campus Support Center at (479) 968-0646,, or by visiting RPL 150. We look forward […]
Performance Issues
We are receiving performance issue reports for applications, including Onetech, Argos, Degree Works, and Application Navigator. Our admin teams have reached out to Ellucian support and are investigating the issue. We will post another announcement when we have more information.
Scheduled Pearson Maintenance
There is scheduled maintenance for Pearson software on Saturday, May 18th beginning at 12:00am and ending at 8:00pm. This will impact any Blackboard course that utilizes the third party Pearson content. Students and instructors will not be able to access MyLab, Mastering, and MathXL for School courses from Blackboard for the entire maintenance window. Students and […]