The Production Banner System will be unavailable on Friday, December 9th, beginning at 3:00 AM for Banner Patches and Upgrades. The maintenance is anticipated to conclude before business hours. An additional maintenance will take place on Saturday, December 10th, beginning at 8:00 PM. This maintenance is anticipated to last until approximately 8:00 AM on Sunday, […]
Ross Pendergraft Library Wifi Enhancements
As part of our continuing efforts to improve wireless across campus, the Office of Information Systems is pleased to announce ongoing wifi upgrades for the Ross Pendergraft Library. The first area to be finished is the 3rd floor, and students visiting the 3rd floor to study and collaborate for projects and finals should now notice […]
Upcoming Emergency Maintenance for Part of the University Wireless
There will be an emergency maintenance for part of the university wireless systems on Wednesday, November 23rd, starting at 3:00 am and lasting until 7:00 am. During this time, the following areas will have intermittent connectivity interruptions while the system and wireless units upgrade. Academic Buildings – Wifi Only Alumni Hull Student Union Public Safety […]
Upcoming Planned Network Maintenance for Witherspoon
There will be a scheduled network maintenance for the Witherspoon Building 1st and 3rd floors on Wednesday, November 2nd, starting at 5:15 pm and lasting until 8:00 pm. During this time, wireless and wired connectivity on the 1st and 3rd floors will be intermittent. This maintenance will allow Network Services to swap in replacement hardware […]
Blackboard File Issue Resolved
Blackboard reports that the problem preventing files from loading or being downloaded has been resolved. If you still encounter an error page when attempting to open a file, please contact our Campus Support Center at (479) 968-0646 or