Our virtual computing environment (VMWare Horizons) is experiencing issues where users are unable to login. Our VDI administrators are currently investigating the issue. If you have any questions, please contact Campus Support Center at 479-968-0646.
AppXtender Issues
We are currently experiencing AppXtender connectivity issues. We have a case open with our vendor.
Campus Support Extends Hours for Finals Week
Starting on Wednesday, May 1, the Campus Support Center will be extending their hours during finals week. This change is in conjunction with the library’s extended hours. However, Campus Support’s hours will not be consecutive. Please see the full schedule below: Wednesday, May 1: 7a-midnightThursday, May 2: 7a-midnightFriday, May 3: 7a-9pSaturday, May 4: 2p-6pSunday, May […]
Scheduled Production Banner Maintenance
To address recent Banner performance issues, Ellucian will perform maintenance on the production Banner database beginning at 10 p.m. on Sunday, April 28th. The maintenance is scheduled for three hours, during which time applications that connect to the Banner database, such as Application Navigator, Self-Service (including Web Time Entry), Argos, Automic Job Scheduler, Degree Works, […]
Banner Performance Issues Resolved
The issues we were experiencing with Banner and its applications has been resolved. We are still working with Ellucian to identify and correct any underlying issues. If you are still having an issue, please contact Campus Support at campussupport@atu.edu.