volume 3 by Joseph Gordon
Kaltura Not Working with iOS 18
Some Kaltura videos and video quizzes are not working on Apple mobile devices if the device was updated to the latest version of the operating system, iOS 18. Kaltura is aware of the problem and is working on resolving it as soon as possible. The work around for now is to not update your device […]
Blackboard Newsletter
volume 2 by Joseph Gordon
Turnitin Service Interruption
The Campus Support Center received some reports of students and instructors having trouble with Turnitin assignments. Students try to submit assignments and are given an error. We are aware of this issue, and are working with our vendor to get this resolved as soon as possible. Please contact the Campus Support Center at 479-968-0646, or […]
Blackboard Newsletter
We are excited to be entering the Fall 2024 semester! Why so excited? What is the fuss about?Blackboard Ultra courses are new for Fall 2024. We are transitioning to Ultra courses from the older original courses for Fall 2024. What does this mean for faculty? Meet the new Ultra course Out with the old and […]